
Benjamin Moore Navy Blue Paint Colors Starry Night


Benjamin Moore Starry Night Blue / 2067-20 / #344177 Hex Color Code

#344177 Paint ChipThe hexadecimal color code #344177 is a medium dark shade of blue. In the RGB color model #344177 is comprised of 20.39% red, 25.49% green and 46.67% blue. In the HSL color space #344177 has a hue of 228° (degrees), 39% saturation and 34% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 470.04 nm.

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  1. Yenidze in Dresden, Germany
  2. Unfolding of Organic Pattern
  3. Navy blue retro dress with short sleeves isolated on white

Color Variations

  • Inverted
  • 25% saturated
  • Grayscale
  • 25% lighter
  • Original
  • 25% darker
  • Web safe: blue
    #0000ff / #00f
  • 25% desaturated
  • HTML: darkslateblue

Related Named Colors

  • Closely Related

    1. American blue
    2. Lapis lazuli color (Ruri-iro)
    3. Dark cornflower blue
    4. Midnight blue
    5. Dark cerulean
  • Intermediately Related

    1. Lust
    2. Dolphin gray
    3. Parakeet Blue
    4. Electric crimson
    5. Electric red
  • Distantly Related

    1. Canary
      #ffff99 / #ff9
    2. Lemon yellow (Crayola)
    3. Electric yellow
      #ffff33 / #ff3
    4. Daffodil
    5. Yellow
      #ffff00 / #ff0

Color Schemes

Download: GIMP GPL Adobe ASE (Adobe Swatch Exchange) Sketch Palette

  • Complement

    • #849318
  • Analogous

    • #0069ab
    • #653a71
  • Split

    • #327932
    • #986c13
  • Triad

    • #00ab7a
    • #884323
  • Square

    • #7c2f37
    • #849318
    • #00a1ab
  • Tetradic

    • #7b3057
    • #849318
    • #00ab7a

#344177 linear gradient to complementary #849318

  1. #344177
  2. #4b4d6c
  3. #5b5b5f
  4. #676853
  5. #727644
  6. #7c8433
  7. #849318

Monochromatic Colors

  1. #27366a
  2. #2b396e
  3. #303d73
  4. #344177
  5. #38457b
  6. #3d4980
  7. #414d84


  1. #344177
  2. #3c4472
  3. #43486c
  4. #494b67
  5. #4e4f61
  6. #52525c
  7. #565656

Tints and Shades

#344177 to white

  1. #344177
  2. #565d8d
  3. #777ba3
  4. #989ab9
  5. #babbd0
  6. #dcdce7
  7. #ffffff / #fff

#344177 to black

  1. #344177
  2. #2d3762
  3. #262d4f
  4. #1f233b
  5. #181a29
  6. #101018
  7. #000000 / #000


Exact Matching Paints

  • Starry Night Blue / 2067-20

    Benjamin Moore

Similar Paints

  1. Fired Earth

    1. ★ Jubilee Blue
      #344277 ΔE = 0.505 / LRV ≈ 6.0%
  2. Resene

    1. ★ Sea World B40-097-275
      #323f75 ΔE = 0.857 / LRV ≈ 5.5%
    2. Wave Rider V42-060-286
      #413f6e ΔE = 3.085 / LRV ≈ 5.8%
  3. Tollens

    1. ★ T2007-5
      #333f73 ΔE = 1.007 / LRV ≈ 5.5%
    2. T2008-6
      #373a62 ΔE = 4.660 / LRV ≈ 4.7%
  4. Opaltone / OMS

    1. ★ 6615
      #2d407a ΔE = 1.286 / LRV ≈ 5.6%
    2. 6822
      #3f396e ΔE = 4.329 / LRV ≈ 5.1%
  5. Pantone / PMS

    1. ★ 19-3953 TPG / Sodalite Blue
      #384477 ΔE = 1.442 / LRV ≈ 6.3%
    2. 8785 C
      #304c86 ΔE = 4.671 / LRV ≈ 7.5%

    1. ★ 36-b6
      #2c427d ΔE = 1.559 / LRV ≈ 5.9%
    2. 36-c7
      #404d7e ΔE = 5.088 / LRV ≈ 7.9%
  7. Dunn-Edwards

    1. ★ Cobalt / 99
      #3c4378 ΔE = 1.578 / LRV ≈ 6.3%
    2. Nautical / 69
      #2e4a7d ΔE = 4.261 / LRV ≈ 7.0%
  8. Krylon

    1. ★ Iris
      #324070 ΔE = 1.829 / LRV ≈ 5.5%
  9. Vallejo

    1. ★ Vallejo 70.809 #54
      #3a4372 ΔE = 1.934 / LRV ≈ 6.1%
    2. Vallejo 70.839 #55
      #3d4885 ΔE = 3.869 / LRV ≈ 7.3%
  10. Volkswagen

    1. ★ Catalina Blue
      #2a3e74 ΔE = 1.992 / LRV ≈ 5.2%
    2. ★ Barrier Blue
      #33467d ΔE = 2.102 / LRV ≈ 6.6%
  11. Matthews Paint

    1. ★ Ameritech Blue / 2171
      #283e77 ΔE = 2.083 / LRV ≈ 5.2%
    2. Impulse / 10147
      #39456d ΔE = 3.904 / LRV ≈ 6.2%
  12. Plascon

    1. ★ Smoky Wings B6-E1-3
      #343c70 ΔE = 2.141 / LRV ≈ 5.1%
    2. Blue Vista B5-D1-3
      #244080 ΔE = 2.808 / LRV ≈ 5.6%
  13. Coronado Paint

    1. ★ 7245 - Evening Magic
      #364575 ΔE = 2.267 / LRV ≈ 6.3%
    2. 7269 - Evening In Paris
      #28497a ΔE = 4.742 / LRV ≈ 6.6%
  14. California Paints

    1. ★ DEA 138 - JaCha
      #324680 ΔE = 2.294 / LRV ≈ 6.6%
    2. Newport Indigo
      #363c66 ΔE = 3.729 / LRV ≈ 5.0%
  15. Duron

    1. Dignified
      #37426f ΔE = 2.306 / LRV ≈ 5.9%
    2. Commodore
      #164072 ΔE = 4.952 / LRV ≈ 5.1%
  16. GM / General Motors

    1. Medium Blue
      #324681 ΔE = 2.406 / LRV ≈ 6.6%
    2. Regal Blue
      #2a3f71 ΔE = 2.480 / LRV ≈ 5.2%
  17. Sherwin-Williams

    1. Valiant Violet - 6818
      #3e4371 ΔE = 2.421 / LRV ≈ 6.2%
    2. Morning Glory - 6971
      #3c4c80 ΔE = 4.524 / LRV ≈ 7.7%
  18. AMC

    1. Electric Blue
      #274074 ΔE = 2.474 / LRV ≈ 5.4%
    2. Dark Blue
      #22386a ΔE = 4.923 / LRV ≈ 4.2%
  19. ICI Paints

    1. 4257 Majestic 92BB 07/350
      #3a4580 ΔE = 2.476 / LRV ≈ 6.7%
    2. Phantom Blue 72BB 07/288
      #27416c ΔE = 4.634 / LRV ≈ 5.3%
  20. Berger

    1. Evening in Paris / 7269
      #254280 ΔE = 2.485 / LRV ≈ 5.8%
    2. Evening Magic / 7245
      #343c79 ΔE = 2.805 / LRV ≈ 5.3%
  21. Vista Paint

    1. Evening in Paris
      #254280 ΔE = 2.485 / LRV ≈ 5.8%
    2. Georgian Court
      #3e3a74 ΔE = 4.066 / LRV ≈ 5.3%
  22. Scib Paints

    1. Evening in Paris / 7269
      #254280 ΔE = 2.485 / LRV ≈ 5.8%
    2. Evening Magic / 7245
      #343c79 ΔE = 2.805 / LRV ≈ 5.3%
  23. Brighto Paints

    1. 3-39-7 Grape Jam
      #3c4572 ΔE = 2.762 / LRV ≈ 6.4%
    2. 4-40-7 Horner Plum
      #3c4165 ΔE = 4.500 / LRV ≈ 5.7%
  24. Caparol

    1. 2352
      #3c4470 ΔE = 2.770 / LRV ≈ 6.3%
    2. 2251
      #484474 ΔE = 4.063 / LRV ≈ 6.8%
  25. FolkArt

    1. Galaxy Blue / 99258
      #384572 ΔE = 2.787 / LRV ≈ 6.3%
    2. Brilliant Blue / 641
      #2c3e86 ΔE = 4.649 / LRV ≈ 5.7%
  26. Chrysler

    1. Dido Blue
      #34436f ΔE = 2.898 / LRV ≈ 5.9%
    2. Limousine Blue
      #3b3d64 ΔE = 4.215 / LRV ≈ 5.2%
  27. Nippon Paint

    1. Marabelle / NP PB 1498 A
      #3e4571 ΔE = 3.030 / LRV ≈ 6.5%
    2. Tremont Blue / NP PB 1519 A
      #274b87 ΔE = 4.684 / LRV ≈ 7.2%
  28. Federal Standard

    1. Federal Standard 35056
      #334685 ΔE = 3.085 / LRV ≈ 6.8%
  29. Dulux

    1. Plush Velvet 2
      #2e416e ΔE = 3.124 / LRV ≈ 5.5%
    2. 91BB 07/263
      #3f486e ΔE = 4.833 / LRV ≈ 6.8%
  30. Brillux

    1. 54.12.30
      #343e69 ΔE = 3.179 / LRV ≈ 5.2%
    2. 54.15.27
      #3e4b85 ΔE = 4.494 / LRV ≈ 7.7%
  31. Ressource Peintures

    1. Majolica Blue / HC112
      #234082 ΔE = 3.206 / LRV ≈ 5.6%
    2. Deep Nankin Blue / HC30
      #324975 ΔE = 4.663 / LRV ≈ 6.7%
  32. Dulux Australia

    1. Mystification / A388
      #2a4271 ΔE = 3.244 / LRV ≈ 5.6%
    2. Wooed / A400
      #40456c ΔE = 4.102 / LRV ≈ 6.4%
  33. Devoe Paint

    1. Majestic / 92BB 07/350
      #3e487f ΔE = 3.249 / LRV ≈ 7.2%
    2. Twilight Zone / 91BB 07/263
      #43476b ΔE = 5.133 / LRV ≈ 6.8%
  34. British Standard

    1. BS 4800 20 E 56 - Blue
      #2e3c7d ΔE = 3.390 / LRV ≈ 5.3%
    2. BS381 108 - Aircraft blue
      #3b4875 ΔE = 3.595 / LRV ≈ 6.8%
  35. Asian Paints

    1. Platinum Blue / 9141
      #383d67 ΔE = 3.487 / LRV ≈ 5.2%
    2. Oriental Blue / 1306
      #364b82 ΔE = 4.091 / LRV ≈ 7.4%
  36. Earthpaint

    1. 3-39-7 Grape Jam
      #3b4169 ΔE = 3.499 / LRV ≈ 5.7%
    2. 2-38-7 Purple Wish
      #40497d ΔE = 3.636 / LRV ≈ 7.3%
  37. Levis

    1. Majestueus Blauw
      #17407d ΔE = 3.502 / LRV ≈ 5.3%
    2. Clear Purple C70
      #4a437e ΔE = 5.001 / LRV ≈ 7.0%
  38. Ralph Lauren

    1. Spinnaker / RLIB224
      #3e4670 ΔE = 3.594 / LRV ≈ 6.6%
  39. Model Master

    1. Model Master 28122
      #3d4584 ΔE = 3.601 / LRV ≈ 6.9%
  40. Nerolac

    1. Debonair - 2371
      #2f4986 ΔE = 3.732 / LRV ≈ 7.1%
  41. Diamond Vogel

    1. Frozen Blue / 0606
      #43487e ΔE = 3.770 / LRV ≈ 7.3%
    2. Hot Sauna / 1271
      #4a477a ΔE = 4.671 / LRV ≈ 7.4%
  42. ECOS Paints

    1. Frozen Blue (0606)
      #43487e ΔE = 3.770 / LRV ≈ 7.3%
    2. Florida Waters (0599)
      #344b83 ΔE = 4.132 / LRV ≈ 7.4%
  43. Colortrend

    1. 0606
      #43487e ΔE = 3.770 / LRV ≈ 7.3%
    2. 0599
      #344b83 ΔE = 4.132 / LRV ≈ 7.4%
  44. Peintures MF

    1. Tombée de la nuit
      #324a81 ΔE = 3.774 / LRV ≈ 7.2%
    2. Merlin
      #424a7b ΔE = 4.161 / LRV ≈ 7.5%
  45. Porter Paints

    1. Daring Indigo / 347-7
      #364875 ΔE = 3.804 / LRV ≈ 6.7%
    2. Dragonfly / 348-7
      #304a77 ΔE = 4.999 / LRV ≈ 6.9%
  46. Benjamin Moore

    1. Blue / 2066-10 / Royals Blue / SC-55
      #243973 ΔE = 3.877 / LRV ≈ 4.5%
    2. Admiral Blue / 2065-10
      #2c3863 ΔE = 5.149 / LRV ≈ 4.3%
  47. Australian Standard AS2700

    1. B61 Coral Sea
      #2b3872 ΔE = 3.883 / LRV ≈ 4.6%
    2. P14 Blueberry
      #4c4177 ΔE = 5.183 / LRV ≈ 6.6%
  48. Glidden

    1. Daring Indigo / PPG1166-7
      #374874 ΔE = 3.926 / LRV ≈ 6.7%
    2. Dragonfly / PPG1162-7
      #314a76 ΔE = 5.094 / LRV ≈ 6.9%
  49. Dupont

    1. CAS679
      #474073 ΔE = 4.040 / LRV ≈ 6.2%
  50. Sigma

    1. Mistic Purple / 5002
      #2c4a85 ΔE = 4.060 / LRV ≈ 7.1%
    2. Mistic Purple / S 5040-R70B
      #3d4c7b ΔE = 4.779 / LRV ≈ 7.6%
  51. RAL

    1. RAL 280 30 35
      #21467a ΔE = 4.101 / LRV ≈ 6.1%
    2. RAL 280 30 30
      #264674 ΔE = 4.740 / LRV ≈ 6.1%
  52. Games Workshop - Citadel

    1. Macragge Blue
      #0d407f ΔE = 4.108 / LRV ≈ 5.3%
  53. Behr

    1. Sapphire Blue EBC-45
      #313f67 ΔE = 4.129 / LRV ≈ 5.2%
    2. Thunderbolt RAH-99
      #31426a ΔE = 4.199 / LRV ≈ 5.6%
  54. Ford

    1. Denim Blue
      #213976 ΔE = 4.145 / LRV ≈ 4.6%
    2. Gulfstream Blue
      #0c3b78 ΔE = 4.833 / LRV ≈ 4.6%
  55. Natural Color System / NCS

    1. S 4050-R80B
      #203975 ΔE = 4.169 / LRV ≈ 4.5%
    2. S 4040-R70B
      #474983 ΔE = 4.938 / LRV ≈ 7.7%
  56. Sikkens

    1. U9.30.20
      #2d3d67 ΔE = 4.217 / LRV ≈ 4.9%
    2. V0.47.19
      #083b7b ΔE = 4.980 / LRV ≈ 4.6%
  57. Pratt & Lambert

    1. Imperial 29-16
      #41446a ΔE = 4.275 / LRV ≈ 6.3%
    2. Parma Violet 28-16
      #3b4970 ΔE = 5.002 / LRV ≈ 6.9%
  58. CIL

    1. Twilight Zone
      #41476f ΔE = 4.281 / LRV ≈ 6.8%
    2. Phantom Blue
      #384b77 ΔE = 4.905 / LRV ≈ 7.2%
  59. Delta

    1. Navy Blue / 020890202W
      #1f4880 ΔE = 4.322 / LRV ≈ 6.5%
  60. Jotun

    1. 4327 / Havdyp
      #3e4b7b ΔE = 4.343 / LRV ≈ 7.5%
  61. Crown Paint

    1. Dramatic
      #39466d ΔE = 4.350 / LRV ≈ 6.4%
    2. Regal Blue
      #0d4787 ΔE = 4.797 / LRV ≈ 6.3%
  62. Rackham

    1. Wizard Blue (7)
      #29397b ΔE = 4.393 / LRV ≈ 4.8%
  63. Vallejo Model Color

    1. Ultramarine (839)
      #29397b ΔE = 4.393 / LRV ≈ 4.8%
  64. Reaper Master

    1. Ultramarine Highlight (9189)
      #29397b ΔE = 4.393 / LRV ≈ 4.8%
  65. Old Citadel

    1. Ultramarine Blue
      #29397b ΔE = 4.393 / LRV ≈ 4.8%
  66. Vallejo Game Color

    1. Ultra Marine Blue (022)
      #29397b ΔE = 4.393 / LRV ≈ 4.8%
  67. Teknos

    1. GBI168
      #2b426c ΔE = 4.428 / LRV ≈ 5.5%
  68. Dutch Boy

    1. Two-Wheeler
      #314874 ΔE = 4.442 / LRV ≈ 6.5%
    2. Navy Sateen
      #283e69 ΔE = 4.502 / LRV ≈ 4.9%
  69. Earthborn

    1. Button Tin
      #0d3f78 ΔE = 4.496 / LRV ≈ 5.0%
  70. Valspar Paint

    1. Classic Navy
      #3c3e63 ΔE = 4.526 / LRV ≈ 5.3%
  71. Albany Paint

    1. Blue Anchor
      #344c84 ΔE = 4.538 / LRV ≈ 7.6%
  72. Kelly-Moore

    1. Evening Magic / KM3104-5
      #3f4b85 ΔE = 4.565 / LRV ≈ 7.8%
    2. Georgian Court / KM3080-5
      #494981 ΔE = 5.065 / LRV ≈ 7.8%
  73. Crown Diamond

    1. 7353-73 Seventh Heaven
      #3b4a75 ΔE = 4.577 / LRV ≈ 7.1%
  74. Mylands of London

    1. Deep Blue
      #114785 ΔE = 4.636 / LRV ≈ 6.3%
  75. Rodda Paint

    1. Newport Indigo H61
      #363f63 ΔE = 4.776 / LRV ≈ 5.2%
  76. Focoltone

    1. 2260
      #004482 ΔE = 4.819 / LRV ≈ 5.7%
  77. Evonik-Degussa

    1. 243A Dynasty
      #22487a ΔE = 4.876 / LRV ≈ 6.4%
  78. Ferrari

    1. Azzurro / 666092
      #08427a ΔE = 4.881 / LRV ≈ 5.4%
  79. Apple Barrel

    1. Neon Blue / 20492
      #174071 ΔE = 5.075 / LRV ≈ 5.0%
    2. True Navy / K2616
      #004684 ΔE = 5.092 / LRV ≈ 6.0%
  80. Toyo Ink

    1. CF10933
      #0e3b73 ΔE = 5.080 / LRV ≈ 4.5%
  81. PPG Pittsburgh Paints

    1. Dragonfly / PPG1162-7
      #314a76 ΔE = 5.094 / LRV ≈ 6.9%
    2. Admiral Blue 448-7
      #324266 ΔE = 5.207 / LRV ≈ 5.5%
  82. Daihatsu

    1. Blue / B24
      #1d3f6d ΔE = 5.134 / LRV ≈ 4.9%
  83. Little Greene

    1. Mambo
      #474383 ΔE = 5.136 / LRV ≈ 7.0%
  84. Tikkurila

    1. 9704
      #444c84 ΔE = 5.155 / LRV ≈ 8.1%
  85. Disney

    1. 3B-20 Space Hero Blue
      #334367 ΔE = 5.191 / LRV ≈ 5.7%
  86. Clark+Kensington

    1. Spring Crocus / 40D-5
      #4c4672 ΔE = 5.213 / LRV ≈ 7.1%
  87. Man

    1. Lichtblau / 5012
      #003d77 ΔE = 5.247 / LRV ≈ 4.7%

Color Blindness Simulation


  • Achromatopsia
  • Achromatomaly


  • Protanopia
  • Deuteranopia
  • Tritanopia


  • Protanomaly
  • Deuteranomaly
  • Tritanomaly

#344177 HTML / CSS Code Examples

#344177 foreground

The holy grail is to spend less time making the picture than it takes people to look at it.

            <p style="color: #344177">…</p>          

#344177 background

If a man devotes himself to art, much evil is avoided that happens otherwise if one is idle.

            <p style="background-color: #344177">…</p>          

#344177 shadow

The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web.

            <p style="text-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em 0.15em #344177">…</p>          

Color Charts

  • RGB


  • CMYK


  • RYB


Color Space Conversions

00110100, 01000001, 01110111
≈ 5.8%
Closest short hex
#347 ΔE = 1.630
rgb(52, 65, 119)
rgba(52, 65, 119, 1.0)
rg chromaticity
r: 0.220, g: 0.275, b: 0.504
red: 20.392%, yellow: 24.662%, blue: 46.667%
Android /
-13352585 / 0xff344177
hsl(228, 39%, 34%)
hsla(228, 39%, 34%, 1.0)
hue: 228° (228.358), saturation: 56% (0.563), value: 47% (0.467)
hue: 228.358, saturation: 56.303%, perceived brightness: 27.459%
H: 260.330, S: 55.706, L: 29.011
H: -133.331, S: 0.548, L: 0.263
T: -2.461, S: 0.170, L: 0.264
cyan: 56% (0.563), magenta: 45% (0.454), yellow: 0% (0.000), key: 53% (0.533)
cyan: 80% (0.796), magenta: 75% (0.745), yellow: 53% (0.533)
X: 6.635, Y: 5.842, Z: 18.227
x: 0.216, y: 0.190, Y: 5.842
L: 29.011, a: 11.866, b: -32.621
L: 29.011, u: -7.412, v: -43.497
L: 29.011, C: 34.712, H: 289.989
L: 29.011, C: 44.124, H: 260.330
L: 24.170, a: 6.703, b: -27.792
J: 20.639, C: 38.503, h: 264.784, Q: 89.507, M: 33.670, s: 61.333, H: 313.607
lightness: -10.403, jaune: -5.810, green: 0.445
L: 4.412, M: 5.360, S: 18.024
Y: 73.786, Cb: 153.630, Cr: 118.459
Y: 75.250, Cg: -10.250, Co: -3.750
Y: 67.269, Db: 77.832, Dr: 29.047
Y: 66.119, Pb: 28.495, Pr: -8.984
Y: 72.785, Cb: 153.031, Cr: 120.108
Y: 67.269, I: -25.093, Q: 14.052
Y: 67.269, U: 25.457, V: -13.396
Munsell Color System
7.5PB 3/8 ΔE = 4.110
Brand Color
PayPal (dark) ΔE = 4.887

Random Colors

  • #6c48a0
  • #c27337
  • #b58d8f
  • #94de77
  • #b8b91e


  • #ac8480
  • #702726
  • #b08373
  • #73332e
  • #cd291f


  • #7ab156
  • #1b7c25
  • #7ba75d
  • #9bd292
  • #b2eba9


  • #7898ef
  • #323d95
  • #9092be
  • #1c34b4
  • #2f30b9

Benjamin Moore Navy Blue Paint Colors Starry Night


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